Table of Contents of Translation by Sir Richard F. Burton
Unabridged (Unexpurgated Edition)(Halcyon Classics)
The following is a list of the stories from all sixteen volumes of the Burton translation of the Arabian Nights. This list can be used in selecting parallel stories from the Lyon's translation.
Volume One
Story of King Shahryar and His Brother
Tale of the bull and the Ass
Tale of the Trader and the Jinni
The First Shaykh’s Story
The Second Shaykh’s Story
The Third Shaykh’s Story
The Fisherman and the Jinni
Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban
Story of King Sindibad and His Falcon
Story of the Husband and the Parrot
Tale of the Prince and the Ogress
Tale of the Ensorcelled Prince
The Porter and the Tree Ladies of Baghdad
The First Kalandar’s Tale
The Second Kalandar’s Tale
Tale of the Envier and the Envied
The Third Kalandar’s Tale
The Eldest Lady’s Tale
Tale of the Portress
Conclusion of the Story of the Porter and the Three Ladies
Tale of the Three Apples
Tale of Nur Al-din Ali and his Son
The Hunchback’s Tale
The Nazarene Broker’s Story
The Reeve’s Tale
Tale of the Jewish Doctor
Tale of the Tailor
The Barber’s Tale of his First Brother
The Barber’s Tale of his Second Brother
The Barber’s Tale of his Third Brother
The Barber’s Tale of his Fourth Brother
The Barber’s Tale of his Fifth Brother
The Barber’s Tale of his Sixth Brother
The End of the Tailor’s Tale
Volume Two
Nur Al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis Al-Jalis
Tale of Ghanim Bin Ayyub, The Distraught, The Thrall O’ Love
Tale of the First Eunuch, Bukhayt
Tale of the Second Eunuch, Kafur
Tale of King Omar Bin Al-Nu’uman and His Sons sharrkan and Zau Al-Makan
Tale of Taj Al-Muluk and the Princess Dunya
Tale of Aziz and Azizah
Volume Three
The tale of King Omar Bin Al-Nu’uman and His Sons sharrkan and Zau Al-Makan (continued)
Continuation of the Tale of Aziz and Azizah
Tale of the Hashish Eater
Tale of Hammad the Badawi
The birds and Beasts and the Carpenter
The Hermits
The Water-Fowl and the tortoise
The Wolf and the Fox
Tale of the Falcon and the Partridge
The Mouse and the Ichneumon
The cat and the Crow
The Fox and the Crow
The Flea and the Mouse
The Saker and the Birds
The Sparrow and the Eagle
The Hedgehog and the Wood Pigeons
The Merchant and the Two Sharpers
The Thief and His Monkey
The Foolish Weaver
The Sparrow and the Peacock
Ali Bin Bakkar and Shams Al-Nahar
Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman
Volume Four
Ni’amah bin al-Rabi’a and Naomi his Slave-girl
Volume Five
King Sabur of the Persians
Volume Six
Sindbad the Hammal
Volume Seven
(Night 637)
Sa’adan says “Pinion your King.” Jamak, King of Babel is bound, taken to Gharib’s presence.
Volume Eight
(Night 777)
Old Queen heard the handmaid’s words and was wroth with wrath.
Volume Nine
(Night 838)
Nur al-Din heard the voice singing these verses he said “Verily this be the Lady Miriam chanting without hesitation or doubt.
Volume Ten
Ma’Aruf the Cobbler and His Wife
Supplemental Volume Eleven
The Sleeper and the Waker
Supplemental Volume Twelve
Al-Malik Al-Zahir Rukn Al-Din Bibars Al-Bundukdari and the Sixteen Captains of Police
The First Constable’s History
The Second Constable’s History
The Third Constable’s History
The Fourth Constable’s History
The Fifth Constable’s History
The Sixth Constable’s History
The Seventh Constable’s History
.... etc. ...
Supplemental Volume Thirteen
Appendix: Variants and Analogues of the tales in Volume XIII by W.A. Clouston.
Supplemental Volume Fourteen
Story of the Sultan of Al-Yaman and His three Sons
Supplemental Volume Fifteen
The History of the King’s Son of Sind and the Lady Fatimah
Supplemental Volume Sixteen
The Say of Haykar the Sage
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